Friday, June 20, 2014

Thou Shall Live a Little

These past few weeks have come down on me hard. Although some really great things have happened, tragic events have also occurred. (Why does the bad have to outweigh the good?) After mopping around and making myself useless, I told myself, something is out there for you in this world. You just have to go out and find it. So I've convinced myself to believe that nothing bad's happening to me. It;s just life; life is what's happening to me. And the only way to beth through it is to live through it. I want to experience so many things, but I allow timing, shyness, and most of all, money to be barriers.

Because I budget my wallet so tightly, most of my hard-earned money is spent on paying off my loans and other bills. I see myself more as a saver than a spender. But how can you experience anything if all you do is save and avoid using what you've earned? It's like, what is so important that you are saving everything for? I guess I avoid wasting money because I worry too much about the future and the results of my actions. It's as if I won't have enough for a house of my own, enough money to sustain a decent life.

A while back, my mom shared some advice with me that her boss drilled into her: You shouldn't work with the mentality of having to pay things off. It's so negative. Have a goal in mind, and work hard so you can have the thing it is you want.

Although I still believe there are many things you can do without spending a fortune, there are just a few things you can do without any money at all. Recently, when I was with some friends, I realized money was in fact a necessity to have fun. Obviously I wouldn't want to go out and spend daily, but doing it more often might be good for me! Besides, what better time is there to live newfound carefree experiences than now?

Without labeling them with their expenses--or having any at all, let me see if I can step out of my comfort zone and manage to fulfill this summer's bucket list (in no particular order):

1. Find a new car
2. Visit beaches I haven't been to before
3. Go to Six Flags
4. Read new books
5. Get a massage
6. Visit museums in Los Angeles
7. Go hiking/explore nature
8. Watch new movies at a movie theater
9. Begin a veggie garden 
10. Go dancing
11. Bake from scratch for the fun of it
12. Learn how to cook
13. Watch a Dodgers game this season
14. Take a trip up north and visit Alcatraz Island
15. Try out a new restaurant

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